Focus: metals
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Brass machining | Incalmi 2023
“At Incalmi, everything becomes one”. This is the first point of our manifesto, and it describes the experimental process that leads us to the combination of different materials. Indeed, the primary characteristic of our objects is that they are multi-material. We use glass, metals, marble, wood, rattan, leather-the materials of traditional Italian craftsmanship, which we reinterpret in the light of a contemporary aesthetic. In this series of articles, we explore them one by one. Let's start with metals.
Bronze casting | Incalmi 2023
Why metals?

Metals are solid, ductile and malleable materials. The use of metals for the production of objects has marked human civilization, to the point that some stages of history are named after metals (think of the Copper, Iron and Bronze Ages). What changed the course of civilization, more than the presence of metals per se, was the discovery of metalworking and in particular casting, which could transform a solid material into a liquid that could be shaped at will. Not only that: by melting different metals, alloys were created, that are materials with characteristics different from pure raw materials, such as brass (an alloy of copper and zinc).
Brass burnishing | Incalmi 2023
Incalmi and metals

One of the main characteristics of metals is their excellent electrical conductivity; that is why they were and are used in lighting fixtures. And it is from Murano art glass chandeliers that our interest in these materials was born. If in fact in the past metal elements were hidden, on the push of a new minimalist aesthetic they began to be enhanced, to the point of characterizing the very design of lamps and chandeliers.

Over time our interest in metals broadened, focusing in particular on brass and copper, which today is our flagship material. It was by devoting ourselves to researching different finishes and the techniques for making them that we became interested in the technique of enameling on copper.
Enamel on copper | Incalmi 2023
Our approach to metalworking

As with any other material, our approach to processing techniques is characterized by the element of challenge. Starting with a research on the existing, and always in collaboration with the network of our partner laboratories, we love to put the material to the test by subjecting it to extreme temperatures, or working it with machinery and tools that are usually used in other fields.

Thus were born the Nemesi lamp, inspired by a molding technique; the Novae vases, after a test on the possibility of galvanizing metal that has already undergone enameling; the Kary box knob, for whose texture we created an ad hoc chisel.
Novae detail | Incalmi Collection 2023
Metals made in Incalmi: the Brioni sideboard example

Exemplary of our approach to metal is the Brioni sideboard, inspired by the works of architect Carlo Scarpa. The brass base with feet consists of ten interlocking combined elements. From a technical point of view, the fastest and cheapest way would have been casting, but the play of volumes reminiscent of the iconic Scarpa steps would have been lost.
Brass feet detail, Brioni sideboard | Incalmi Collection 2023
The brass ring positioned in the recess of the sash is also special: it is in fact a single piece made from a flat sheet of brass 3-4 mm thick. Usually, to save on material, brass is soldered. In this case, however, the plate was used for this single piece; to enhance it, we opted to leave the finish natural, respecting the truth of the raw material.
Detail of brass plate, Brioni sideboard | Incalmi Collection 2023
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