Collection of coffee tables in three sizes with removable tray. The slender triangular-section legs, inspired by Louis XVI, required ingenious workmanship. To make them, material had to be removed from a conical section, curved and of decreasing thickness, from thick to thin at the point of support. No traditional machine could do this, so industrial machinery traditionally used for other purposes was adapted. The tray resting on the top, made of brushed brass with a hand-painted supergloss interior, can also work as a stand-alone object. The supergloss lacquering was also carried out on the internal and recessed parts, with a precision that can only be achieved by hand.
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Tulipier wood, brass
Tecniche di lavorazione
Woodworking, brass turning and brushing, manual lacquering
Low table D 800 mm | H 400 mm || Medium table D 600 mm | H 600 mm || High table D 400 mm | H 1005 mm
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MoMA revisited: com’è nata la collezione di piatti smaltati