An installation depicting a suspended female figure surrounded by five red-enameled stones, symbolizing the collective trauma of feminicide. This is how Caterina Roppo, a multidisciplinary artist and winner of the Special Prize Incalmi for Arte Laguna Prize, decided to synthesize the research path we have shared over the past year, putting for the first time our craft culture at the service of art.
It all starts with Trayma, a conceptual work
Caterina Roppo has been working on for some time and has declined in different forms of expression - from photography to performance to installation. "The idea took shape quickly," the artist recounts in her working diary, recalling her first meeting with Incalmi. "We decided to intertwine that technique [
fire enamel on copper, ed.] with my research, to present something that spoke not only of aesthetics, but of essence. I proposed a series in which DNA becomes the symbol of our deep roots: those filaments that run through the body, unique, unrepeatable, but also the children of a long history of experiences, traumas, and transformations."