His legacy is unquestionable: although he left no theoretical production, his works continue to inspire designers and architects, attracted by an endless heritage of shapes, by his irony, but above all by a way of conceiving architecture that sees air, light and colors as expressive tools on a par with building materials.If his academic training had a decisive weight in the development of his poetics, equally important was his work with glass, first as artistic consultant to the MVM Cappellin & C. glassware shop, then, from 1932 to 1947, to Venini, for which he studied vases, objects, lamps and lighting fixtures. For a company like Incalmi, born in Murano in the glass environment, Scarpa's work is a constant inspiration. Marino Barovier's book, "Carlo Scarpa. Glass of an Architect", is always on our desks, but the works created in Venice and in the Veneto region are also essential.